Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day buy the Numbers…

The number of dollars spent on chocolate                                    13.5 billion
The number of dollars spent on jewelry                                             2.66 billion
The number of Necco conversation hearts sold                                   8 billion
The number of dollars spent on flowers                                              880 million
The number of times the word love is used*                                    800 billion

*This number was made up by our in house word statisticians. It is entirely untrue except for when it is not.

Papal Conspiracy Theories

Top theories on why the Pope is stepping down
1.   He wants to start a family
2.   He didn’t get along with his boss
3.   He converted
4.   There were no more growth opportunities
5.   He got a better job offer
6.   Season 4 of Downton Abby
7.   His upcoming role in CSI: Vatican City. Check Hulu for listings.

Lent vs. Lint

Things to give up for Lent

   Things to give up for Lint
